Be Selfish

29 Jul

So many time in life we choose to ignore the things we desire, so that other people may be satisfied or pleased with us. What I have come to realize is that; people most times want to give us plans to accomplish in our lives that have nothing to do with our purpose, but it has everything to do with them some how trying to mulnipulate us into an egoic fix on their part. So we find ourselves doing things that agrrivate and frustrate us to our core, but because we never want to let this person down we’ll put ourselves through hell trying to make them happy. We bring their dreams alive by abandoning ours and most times we still never satisfy them, because there is always more that we could have done as far as they’re concerned.  Then we become angry and resentful because we feel as if we have no say so when it comes to our lives; we close down, bottle up our dreams thinking that maybe it wasn’t meant to be. All of these changes I’ve experienced, and the best way to come out on top and be happy is to be selfish. We have to decide that if my life is ever going to flurish and be full of purpose I have to decide now that this is the time for me to focus on my dreams, goals, visions, relationships and greatness. We have to say “Im so focused on the greatness in me that is meant to serve my community, that I’m willing to perfect me  and only me until I have the power to best serve others. So from this day forth let’s make a vow that we will be selfish to reach our goals and dreams. And to be Selfish basically means ” I’m going to deal with my Self – Ish, so that i can be the best I can be.

One Response to “Be Selfish”

  1. Arque Gray July 29, 2011 at 11:15 pm #

    Being selfish can help you a person being to the point of selfless to extend the hand out to help other people. A person has to reach a point of happiness, stability, and feeling accomplished to past there story on to the next to motivate the other person. Being selfish is not a bad thing it is just stating I am focused on myself so I can do better to get to the point eventually of helping my fellow peers and associates.

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